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当前位置:道那特(上海)新能源科技有限公司>>涂料/油漆>>防水涂料>> dt-810道那特监控摄像头PCBA纳米防水涂层 防水防潮防腐819

道那特监控摄像头PCBA纳米防水涂层 防水防潮防腐819

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  • 产品型号:dt-810
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  • 产品类别:防水涂料
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  • 更新时间:2023-05-29 21:53:18
  • 浏览次数:3

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  • 商铺产品:56条
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  • 注册时间:2023-05-29
  • 最近登录:2023-05-29
  • 联系人:刘先生


Located in Pudong New Area of Shanghai, Donat Co LTD is a high-tech enterprise integrating r&d, production and sales. Focus on three areas: solar power generation (CSP) field; The field of electronic information; Nanomicrosphere applications. The company has carried out in-depth scientific research cooperation with physics and Chemistry Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, National New Energy Engineering Technology Research Center, Materials Science of Beijing Institute of Technology and other units, and jointly developed application technologies and industrialization processes of photoelectric functional film, solar energy functional materials, energy storage materials, nano waterproof materials, PCB photoresist, low-E energy saving materials, etc. , relying on excellent performance of product quality, efficient and fast market response speed for global layout. To provide customers with quality products and technical solutions.
Company always adhere to the path of the development of science and technology innovation based on the “create a better material, build a better future" of the enterprise mission, adhering to the “open, innovation, integrity, win-win" core values, focus on clean energy and the development of new materials, the process of industry of green energy, to innovation as the driving force of scientific research, consulting marketing as the core competitiveness, adhere to the scientific research take the market as the center, management for efficiency and customer as the center, continue to focus on enterprise related party interests, become a leading industry and the social respect of modern science and technology enterprises.
Is Your Business Searching For A Way To Produce A More Reliable Vehicle?
In the automotive world, nothing is driving change more than evolving technology. These tech innovations are powered by electronic workhorses, an array of sensors, switches, and other components that simply cannot fail. For OEMs, reliability takes the wheel.
Designing a differentiated product in an industry that has become globalized is no small feat. China is the largest auto market worldwide, with auto registrations totaling 21 million units in 2019. As such, competition for market share is vast.
In an industry where rivals may lurk around many corners of the world, meeting consumer demands is more important than ever before, and safety tops the list. As your customers become more dependent on integrated electronic components, they expect you to make sure each one is safe and dependable.
Common Automotive Failure Conditions
►Water (rain, standing)
►Air pollutants
►Splashes from road grime
►Beverage spills
►Other corrosive substances

Challenges in a Driven World
You can stay one step ahead by improving vehicle safety with sturdier electronic components. The dependability of an automotive electrical component comes through proper protection of the unit itself. This is done by protecting the circuitry directly from the harmful liquids and substances mentioned above. But finding a dependable way to protect automotive electronic components is easier said than done.
For vehicles, the wide variety of contaminants on the road is a serious threat to the electronics onboard. These road hazards can compromise the functionality of your technology, introducing risk to a situation where safety is mandatory.

Overcoming the Challenges
Traditionally, this protection has come from legacy solutions such as traditional conformal coatings including silicone and acrylics as well as mechanical seals, enclosures, and gaskets.
However, these solutions have several drawbacks, including:
●Voids in traditional conformal coatings
●Significant weight addition due to heavy conformal coatings
●Rubber gaskets expand and contract in temperature fluctuations
●Rubber gaskets and enclosures can become dislodged on bumpy and rocky roads
●Oxidation and deterioration of rubber gaskets
Because of these weaknesses, critical automotive circuitry, sensors, and components, can and have failed. Automotive OEMs and manufacturers in all tiers cannot afford to cut corners or rely on aging solutions. In this new age of automotive electrification and sophistication, new innovations and solutions are required.
There is a better way. Donat’s thin-film coatings (Parylene and Plasma-based nanocoatings), explicitly designed for the automotive applications of today and well into the future, are the ideal solution.

True Protection
A superior substitute to existing automotive electronics protection solutions, thin-film protective coatings and nanocoatings within Donat's Spectrum of Protection™ solve the shortcomings of existing protection solutions by offering protection with:
No compromising voids in thin-film coatings
Virtually no incremental weight in an age of automotivelightweighting
The ability to perform in significant temperature ranges
No risk of protection compromises due to bumps or jarring on the road
No degradation in corrosive and caustic environments

Incorporate a convenient protection process
Your world revolves around your technology, and our world revolves around you. We’ll do the heavy lifting for you, with a Factory-in-Factory model or a coating as a service offering where we coat your products in one of our own global production facilities.

上一篇: 道那特半干胶内衣粘合剂纺织品粘合剂 U
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